Workshops and Classes

Workshops and Classes

Individual therapy will ignite change and is a great place to start. 

Our group work takes things to the NEXT LEVEL.

If the idea of being in a group freaks you out and makes you uncomfortable, it's okay!

That means you are facing a challenge and challenge means growth! 

Be Brave and Remember- You Can Do Hard Things.

Explore our Upcoming Events, Ongoing Enrollment Programs, and Special Courses

find the right fit for you!

 Upcoming Events & Workshops

"I loved the energy of the workshop! The women were compassionate, supportive & understanding. Even though we were all there for different reasons, I felt very connected to everyone by the end of the day. I left feeling peaceful, positive & ready to make some changes in my life. Thank you for everything!"

Ongoing Enrollment Programs

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"Beth was so skilled at creating a safe space for me to dig deep and identify what my struggles are. The exercises were meaningful and helped me get real clarity about where I get stuck. I am excited about moving foward with my new intentions."

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