The following information is provided as a guide to ensure that you get the most out of the group experience.
Commit to the Process. Have you ever heard the phrase "It works if you work it?" This is so true. Commit to attending a certain number of groups and be open to what unfolds as you engage and get to know the other group members. The more you talk, share, and contribute; the more you will get out of the process.
Share. Your experiences might be meaningful to someone else, and you'll find that helping others helps you, too. Refrain from giving advice or problem-solving for your peers. What you CAN do is share what has worked or hasn't worked for you. Sharing your own experiences will provide inspiration and alternatives to other group members. You never know if what you share might be the thing that inspires a person to make a major shift in their life. Speak up!
Bring a notebook or journal. There may be little nuggets that you hear from the facilitator or someone else that you want to remember. You may participate in a guided meditation experience where you gain a new insight, but if you don't write it down right after you may forget it when you are out of that context.
To find out more about the benefits of group work, read these articles: